Growing Together in God’s Word

About Us

Worship Services

10:45AM on Sundays and more

Bible Study and Prayer

7:00 PM Wednesdays

Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM on Fridays

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Who We Are

Agape Community Church is a group of believers located in South Burlington that gather to worship God and be His witnesses through words and deeds. We believe that God sacrificed for us because He loves us, mending our relationship with Him, granting us his Spirit and ultimately giving us life after death. We respond to God’s love by gathering as His adopted family, reading His Word (the Bible), and teaching it to others. We seek to grow this familial love we have with God, and also share it with the Burlington area and the world. Agape is a Greek term that early Christians used to describe the special love between God and man. This special love is revealed most clearly...


Featured News

Temporarily Closed

Thank you for visiting our website. Our church is temporarily closed while we search for a new minister. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

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Live Stream

Due to concerns regarding COVID-19, we are having online services only. Here is the Zoom link for joining online service: Don’t hesitate to call or text us at 802-448-0655 if you have any questions.

Easter Service

Most of us may ever feel hopeless due to our own sin, weakness, and evil in the world. The resurrection of Jesus is important to each of us, because he had victory over sin and death, and he did it for you...